Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Demo Share from Four Square in Hong Kong

Photo needs straightening but this is a cool location. We shopped too... (@ Apple Store) [pic]: http://4sq.com/11Tisr6

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Demo for HK Summit

I'm here with dedicated educators learning on the weekend at HKIS. I'm asking them these three familiar questions:

1. What is a blog?

A running record of what's happening...
A public journal...
An opportunity to communicate... 
A way toi self reflect and have other reflect on your learning...

2. What is the two-way web or web 2.0?


3. What do blogs and the read/write web mean in education?

Student voice...
Developing thinking processes... 
A place to risk take...

And now I'm adding some media... as a demo of course.