Saturday, April 20, 2013

Multi Media Demo in ON

If you can email attachments, you can blog images... almost.

Homework: Read pages 1-1000 and answer all odd questions 1-500.

Demo Post for ON Summit

I'm here with adventurous educators in Ontario... asking these three familiar questions:

  1. What is a blog? Online chat, journal, personal articles, forum for discussion, therapy, caption of someone's life, interactive, update, bias, a public record, more spontaneous, ownership, personal reflection... digital presence, becomes a history - a chronology.
  2. What is the web 2.0? Everyone is a consumer and producer, collaborative, different points of view, global, instantaneous...
  3. What do these technologies mean for you and your students? Their brand, freedom -artistically,politically, intellectually... gives them an audience... possibility for equity and equality... voice for students that might not typically share... challengend oportunities to learn: etiquette and ethics (digital citizenship).
This is a rich discussion to start the session. Here we go...

Friday, April 12, 2013

Multi-Media Demo for QLD

It's easy to insert images etc...

You can even add a pic from your webcam...

More importantly... you can categorise your post with labels...

Demo Post for the GAFEsummit in QLD

I'm here with innovative educators (on their break no less), asking these familiar questions...

  1. What is a blog? A diary online...  facilitates discussion... sharing ideas... a blog is one person's comments... 
  2. What is the read/write web? Or web 2.0? Or two-way web? Interactivity... collaboration... give and take...
  3. What might these technologies mean for you and your students? it's a way communicate... they can construct their own learning... vary students who contribute to discussion (not just the loud kids)... it can give students an audience for their writing... 
We've got some good ideas here... but it's clear we have work to do. Let's learn!