Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hearding Cats

This is not unlike what educational leaders are asked to do...

ATP Blogging Activity

  1. Publish your first post.
  2. Share the address (URL) of your blog with someone sitting nearby.
  3. Comment on a classmate's blog... and moderate a comment from a classmate on your blog. ;)

RTI Resources

Search Google for RTI resources.

Second Demo for ATP

I'm going to demo some of the best posting features. Like...

Links to other sites... like My Blog.


And Videos!

Demo for ATP

Here I am back at National University, asking these three familiar questions of a new group of administrators.

What is a blog?
A chat area or chat room...
Informational editorial...
Usually topic specific...
Allows for instant feedback...
Tend to be open...

What does web 2.0 mean? Or two-way web or read-write web?
The way people talk or get along on the web... Facebook, Blogs, etc... Wikis. :)
More interactive...
Google docs...

What do these technologies mean for students and educators?
Encourages synergy... discussions, interactions, etc
Like Blackboard... with ongoing web chats...
Interact with people across the country or globe...
Able to access courses etc that aren't available at the site...
Support systems such as library, tutors, etc...

I'm glad we're doing this segment! Here we go...